Your team may need to develop specific writing, presenting or creativity skills. Or they may be facing a tough new challenge and need support.
If so, a bespoke training course designed to meet their specific requirements could be the answer.
On your bespoke course, your team will learn the skills that will make the biggest difference in their work. They’ll practise their new skills using exercises based on your own communications. And they’ll be able to talk confidentially about the issues they want to resolve.
The course will give them space to think and time to experiment with different ways of working.
As a result, they’ll be stronger and more confident writers, presenters or creatives.
You can tell me about the challenges that your team is facing:
“I particularly liked that the session is tailored to our work rather than a generic writing course.”
“This programme was practical and tailored to our work. I will be using the insights from tomorrow.”
“Margaret designed a programme specifically around our team’s needs. We have loads to implement which will help us all.”
“This was a fab session. It was tailored to our industry and business which made it really useful. It gave us things we can start using straight away.”
“This was a fantastic workshop with lots of actionable takeaways. The content tailored to Freshfields and our team made it extra relevant.”
“Super engaging training from Margaret. Everyone felt involved and played a part in the sessions. The exercises were perfectly suited to our team.”
“I liked that the course was specifically tailored to our organisation. Margaret had done a lot of research to understand our work.”
“The programme was very helpful. I appreciated the customisation and the opportunity to engage.”
“Margaret had taken the time to really understand the idiosyncrasies of our reporting. The workshop was very well tailored to our style and needs.”
If you’d like to have a chat about a bespoke course for your team, please send me a message.